The Lanarkshire Advanced Motorists Group are affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) RoadSmart nationally. Our purpose is to train people to pass the advanced driving test. This is done on a one to one basis in the person’s own car, by our volunteer observers. Over and above this, our group meets in the church hall, monthly from September to May, on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm. We have a range of speakers, covering topics, sometimes motoring related, and sometimes of general interest. People may attend our meetings if they have become a member of IAM RoadSmart. Alternatively, they may become a social member of our group, paying our group annual subscription of £15. Very often, those who join as social members go on to take the advanced test.
Further information may be obtained from our Secretary, Margaret McFarlane, on 01698 812292, or our Chairman, Robert Williams, on 01501 821862.